What We Do

The Urban-Rural Dialogue Project (URD) explores using a dialogic approach to help people bridge the so-called urban-rural divide and advance shared understanding and social equity.

Our Mission

We hope that what we learn engaging in urban-rural dialogue in our context can also help others in their work as we work to increase our shared understanding.

We are working on developing, implementing, evaluating, and improving an intergroup dialogue curriculum centered on participants’ urban-rural social identity.

What We’re Focus On

Intergroup dialogue [IGD] is a small group method that uses co-facilitators and a tailored curriculum to promote meaningful dialogue across difference (Kaplowitz, D. et al. 20XX; Gurin et al., 2013; Nagda and Gurin, 2007). The Urban-Rural Dialogue Project uses IGD to support difficult dialogues across difference and work towards greater social equity. The URD follows IGD best practices and freely shares its IGD curricular material in return for proper attribution. As part of its work, URD collects and analyzes data in order to improve IGD evaluation tools, curricula, and process.